First is the origins of Santa Clause, which most people believe is Saint Nicholas, but in all reality he has as little to do with Santa as wrapping paper. The Modern Santa largely comes from Odin, who supposedly at Yule would ride an eight-legged horse by the name of Sleipnir. This horse in some traditions leaped from town to town, in others he flew. as part of this tradition Kids were to hang out their stockings filled with oats, carrots, or hay for Sleipnir. and in return for their offering, he would place candies or gifts in their stocking. This tradition clearly hangs around today, but in the place of a horse, he now has a sleigh and reindeer, and instead of carrots, kids leave out cookies and milk as their offering to Santa.
If his ties to Odin were not enough, the plate of cookies would be alone enough. Part of the tradition of Santa Clause is to leave these cookies so that he in turn will leave presents. you don't leave out cookies, supposedly he won't leave presents. This is clearly biblically banned. there are many, many passages on this but this one will do the best for now.
Further Parents teach their kids that Santa is always watching them (Hello! sound familiar? Who has this power but God himself?) and can see if they are being Good or Bad,a nd if they are bad he'll give them a lump of coal.
So I'm pretty sure we've established that Santa's a false god. Kids worship him, give him offerings, and behave for him. If you read the passage you would be pretty clear that God allows no other Idols either, but lets make this clearer. He says not to lie or bear false witness, even if all of the above were ok, Santa is a piece of fiction, and if you tell your Kids Santa is real, then they will believe you. They will believe that Santa's real, and you will have lied to them. SO Santa breaks the 1st, and 9th commandments.
And people wonder why I'm so against him.
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