Saturday, December 18, 2010

We resume our daily thoughtfulness

the days have been colder, football has been fun, and we are all gearing up for Christmas.

So as I sit here typing this bland boring blog post, you are probably cuddling up with a cup of cocoa, and secretly humming Christmas carols, but not loud enough for others to hear you (or so you hope.)

So I have something to ask you all. What is to you, the most Christmas food? 

For me it's chocolate covered peanut-butter balls. It's like having a Reese's peanut butter cup, but home made.

I feel like going and taking a walk. so see ya, and enjoy this song.


  1. Hmmm, I like all kinds of Christmas food. But my favourite Christmas candy is Pecan Chew. <3 I absolutely love that! I'm making some more today :)

    Gott segne und frohe Weihnachten!

  2. Christmas food....Haha. Stepping stone bread. It's actually called monkey bread, but when my sister made it the first time she burned it a little, and to tease her I said it was like a stepping stone. Quite good, actually.

  3. mmmm Monkey bread :-D I should convince the family to make some!
