Friday, December 3, 2010

Patridges and pears... ^_^

O.o I do wonder myself....why would someone give their true love a Partridge in a Pear tree??? I better not ever get a pear tree...I hate pears :P

You know what I also wonder? I also wonder, why someone would need golden rings? and why would someone need 9 lords leaping??? What, is this person royalty or something??? This whole song reminds me of girfts a prince would give to a princess who was going to be his future bride, which, an all reality, I find ludicrous. I'll take a hug over all of it, a simple, hug. That's not too much to ask for is it????

I've aslo, always found this song to be...well, really silly. Nonetheless, I always find myself singing it or humming it, or singing along with it when it plays on the radio. I do know something else! I like Relient K's version of it the best! it tis!.

Christmas is soon! check out the countdown on our sidebar ;) see ya'll later! Merry christmas!!!! (early that is) *grins*

Angel out!


  1. hee hee. I have always loved the 12 days of Christmas even if it is a little...what's the word...Ach, I can't remember. Lol, I izz tired.
