Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The day after

Survivor's Log: Wednesday May 25 2011, 0800

The first day following the event, I look out there and see all the damage the storms have done and I am horrified. The most noticeable thing is how green everything is, it's unnatural for Texas to be green, everyone knows that it's brown this time of year; just another memory of the damage done by this apocalyptic event.

The heat is having its effect on the survivors. The A/C cut out, likely do to extensive damage;our A/C tech seems to be fairly incompetent in getting it running. It's been weeks since I've felt cold air, and now we are facing the hottest days just ahead.

I think it is fair to mention that our current hiding location has held up nicely during the event, but reports are coming in from all over the nation that other places were not so lucky, I sit back to myself and ponder this while we plan on how to move forward; how anyone can move forward.

The tornadoes have skipped our lands, but the straight winds of last night blew through our home and kicked up rain inside. We were fortunate to get the doors closed before the house was flooded. 

No word on Kinderline, my Girlfriend up north. I haven't heard from her in days, and I am starting to lose hope that I will, but I must push forward anyway, and make my best efforts to struggle through these hard times.

Most of the stores have survived the event, which means supplies might be getting scarce over the next few days. People surely will be rushing for supplies as soon as they hit the shelf, the raving paranoids who think that the world is gonna end; if they could just look around they would realize it just did.

The survivors holed up here have constructed a small garden though i look at it and I'm pretty sure it won't supply us with a decent amount of food. 
I must go, I have a dog to take care of, and we all must construct a plan, a plan to rebuild, a plan to move forward after this terrible event.

This is the first log by Adam Brewer following the great storm of May 24th 2011.

ok yeah this was overly dramatic, and while there was a big storm last night, I would nowhere near call it appocolyptic. just so you all are informed, yes a good deal of this is just made up, but there are some truthful elements, the Grass is unusually green for this time of year, Our A/C did cut out, and we do have a small garden, the also was a large storm last night that yes did kick up water into our home, but that was because we had left the doors open to vent. the storm blew up really fast and we wound up closing things before too much damage was done.

Also true that I have not heard From Kindy in like 5 days. I miss her a good deal, and she is going through a rough time to say the least, if you all could be praying for her I would greatly appreciate it.

I believe that is all for now, I'll try to be posting more often, I will keep doing these Music Mondays, and I am working on a secret project right now that might bring back some interest in this blog.

1 comment:

  1. I hear that dinner caught a few raindrops and some of the survivors became slightly damp. Oh,the humanity!
