This post is kinda a status update, kinda catch up on everything, part insanity, part prayer request.
As you all know I took a month long break from all Social Media, and Tried to focus on real life. I will be the first to tell you: Real Life happened. My Baby Brother was born, and as you all probably know already, is quite healthy. He's an easy going baby that doesn't fuss much. At around the same time we bought a Wii and I like it, I am gonna be exercising using it, so lets hope it works.
Also in all of this I have barely gotten any work done on Theodore's Gate, Sorry about all the delays, but I got hit by A) Real life and B) Writer's block.
I'm soon gonna be getting my driver's Permit (YAY!)
right, ok I need to talk about the Prayer request, surely all of you have heard about Japan and the tsunami and Reactor troubles they've had. Kinderline had an Exchange student friend who lives in Japan, and Even Though I don't know Akari, Kinderline knew her and liked her quite a bit, so Please be praying that she made it out ok. I don't know if Kindy's had any contact with her, as I haven't been in contact with Kindy in a few days.
This brings me to prayer request #2, Kindy's family has been house hunting for weeks, and they are about out of time, this is a stressful time for her family for multiple reasons, I can't go into details, but she needs prayer support too, thank you all.
will definitely be praying! **hugs** Kindy if you read this, I'm praying constantly for you and Akari! Luv yaz my Seichiko! And as for you Adam! I'm glad life has a bunch of ups for you! ;-) GOD BLESS!