I have not been blogging much lately. I know that I told a lot of you that I would do more, but I clearly haven't, so sorry about that.
Starting with the new year we have had a run of what most would call bad luck, I call it unfortunate unlikely intertwining of less than desirable circumstances.
Ok I call it Bad luck, so sue me.
Katie Recently had an emergency root canal, and today is gonna get that tooth filled. We boys are gonna stay home and wish we had our bathroom back.
What happened to our bathroom? it's gone. The Land lord came in and tore it out trying to find a really bad leak and by really bad leak, I mean it was flooding the entire house. Fun all around. The water damage is extensive, but we found it, and we can begin clean up. Just as soon as they get the sink and wall back in place, oh and the shower wall.
on a totally unrelated note. I got to talk to Kindy last night. I love it when she calls. We talked for a couple of hours, but it did get a bit late.
Now on an even more unrelated note, I have arbitrarily decided this is the best villain theme song ever. Not many villains get them, but this one is the best I've heard. If you want to know my reasoning, I could come up with a leangthy explanation, but it would boil down to: "Because I like it."
Katie still hasn't gotten her filling and I am REALLY missing that bathroom! Sigh.