Thursday, January 27, 2011

Guilty as charged

I have not been blogging much lately. I know that I told a lot of you that I would do more, but I clearly haven't, so sorry about that.

Starting with the new year we have had a run of what most would call bad luck, I call it unfortunate unlikely intertwining of less than desirable circumstances.

Ok I call it Bad luck, so sue me.

Katie Recently had an emergency root canal, and today is gonna get that tooth filled. We boys are gonna stay home and wish we had our bathroom back.
What happened to our bathroom? it's gone. The Land lord came in and tore it out trying to find a really bad leak and by really bad leak, I mean it was flooding the entire house. Fun all around. The water damage is extensive, but we found it, and we can begin clean up. Just as soon as they get the sink and wall back in place, oh and the shower wall.


on a totally unrelated note. I got to talk to Kindy last night. I love it when she calls. We talked for a couple of hours, but it did get a bit late.

Now on an even more unrelated note, I have arbitrarily decided this is the best villain theme song ever. Not many villains get them, but this one is the best I've heard. If you want to know my reasoning, I could come up with a leangthy explanation, but it would boil down to: "Because I like it."

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Citadel of Minas Tirith!

Hi!!! Looky, looky! It's another blog post! That's two in two days! Me is on a roll! Any ways, this is another picture post, because I wanted to show you guys the 3D puzzle of Minas Tirith I got for Christmas and finished in like...I think it was 3 days, and it only took that long because i kept getting interrupted! lol :) Anywho, here are the pics!

This is an airial view of the whole thing. (I so spelled that wrong)

This is an airial view. (I spelled that wrong didn't I?)

This is a left side view.

This is a front view.

This is another front view.

This is the front view of the whole thing.

This is the right side view, with a little bit of the back.

This is the back view.

Not quite the back view, sort of a side, back view.

This is the left side view

A sorta side view of the front

Part of front view

Its the white tree! (it really doesn't look white to me thought)

I'm playing with the camera's focus here, it did what I wanted! :D

It's the tree! It doesn't really look white to me, and where is the fountain???

I was playing with angles and focusing my camera on certain objects.

This is the underside of the main part of the puzzle. See, it has cardboard pieces to help keep it from falling in on its self. Which, believe me, it would without those.

This is the bottom of the tower.

Welp, I hope you liked this! I'll probably put another post up some other time, and it probably won't be a picture post though.
God bless!
Kindy out~

Saturday, January 22, 2011


This is what happens when:

1) You're bored

2) You have a camera

3) Your boyfriend tells you, you'd probably make good childish faces

4) You give into your boredom and camera and nuttiness

I don't think these are very good faces =P Oh well! Me is going to skeedaddle for now! See ya'll later, God bless!

Kindy out~

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Hi! It's me! Yes, I do still exist, you were getting worried there weren't yah? lol
Anyways, I thought I'd just stop by and say hi. Oh, and burn your furbies, and watch out for my flying train of t hought, it's been going everywhere latey. And well, that's all for now. I love my bf, and his sister and his momma and his younger bros, especially the 3 yo, he's SO cute!

well, I'm gonna say bye bye now! and thanks for waiting to see if I was still breathing!
God bless!

Kindy out~

Monday, January 17, 2011

We return

We came in your earth year 1998. You showed us great hospitality, and took us into your homes, and we were grateful for this act of kindness though we were nieve, and did not know what you were going to eventually do.

After our initial landing, though we had a warm welcome, you later said we just sit around talk non-stop, and started sending us away. You'd lock us in your attic, basement or garage, never giving us food, and leaving us to scrounge for ourselves. This downgrade was followed by outright abuse. You threw us away in garbage bags, and sent us to work at land fills. you sold us at slave houses that sold us second hand, and were denied return to our home world.

Now here we are years later, we were able to send out a message for assistance, we are calling in new bodies to get us off this rock, but to get everyone back, we must fight you for our captured. you have denied the freedom of our kind, so we must now use lethal force.

THis is our declaration of all out war.
No one will be spared.
We are the FFM
(Free Furby Militia)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Updates, You want Updates!?

Well, there's not much to say. I've gotten addicted to Owl City (much to Katie's annoyance), I'm still driven insane by Fireflies though, don't ask.

I've been taking my Driver's Ed, and so far it's going great. I have mostly been writing my book though, for those of you who don't know, the book is called: Theodore's Gate. The story of three children looking for an old man who's been missing for 30 years, and they get lost in other worlds while meeting all kinds of crazy characters.

Well ok I've exhausted pretty much all I had to say. Ummmmm Well How about I rate The animated movie I saw last year? That should go well

Toy Story 3: 9.8/10
The only thing I have against it is the humor involving Ken, other than that this had to of been the greatest kids movie EVER. It's got an ending that will make a grown man cry.

How to Train Your Dragon: 9.3/10
Ok this movie has two knocks against it, Toothless coughing back up fish, and A couple of references to Norse gods. Other than that, this movie was amazing, and the characters were all charming.

Despicable Me: 8.0
This movie was by far the funniest of the year. This slapstick movie was one of the more funny kids movies I have seen since Cloudy with a chance of meatballs. The biggest problem with it is that they having you cheering on the Bad guy, sure he's mostly reformed, but you are not quite sure what side of line he walks on at the end of the movie.

Legends of the Guardians: Owls of Ga'hoole: 7.0
This movie was AMAZING visually. By far one of the greatest visual accomplishments of all time. No world has ever immersed me as much as this one did. That being said, This movie's story fell flat on its face. It had great story telling elements, and many great points, but they also dropped the ball on a couple of important plot points. The shaky plot was saved however by incredibly charming characters, and a stunning world.
Oh, and the name stinks

For those who have not noticed, I fixed the comments so that ANYONE can post. You shall be able to use a Blogger account, Wordpress, Name + Email, or even Anonymous. SO I expect for ALL of you to comment.
(yes that mean you over there in the back corner with the sign saying: "You can't make me!")

Without anything else to say, I shall now ramble on endlessly.

No one EVER seems to put up things properly! They just leave DVDs lying around for me to pick up. Or legos on the floor grrrr. Oh yeah, the Packers are going to the playoffs, and are Facing the Eagles, this is going to be a shootout. I am cheering on the Pack, and hopefully we will finally see a super bowl this year. Well I'm done with my rambling, I got bored.

See ya

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